Small Business & Corporations Attorney in Roswell, GA
Forming Business Entities and Protecting Your Business Interests
Small business owners have many decisions to make in the course of running their entities from how to form their business to decide how to hand the business down to the younger generation. Without proper guidance, the time, effort and resources you devoted to your business could be jeopardized. At the office of Patrick J. Gibbs, P.C., Attorney at Law, I understand the financial consequences associated with business formations and succession planning. I am committed to helping you at every phase of your enterprise.
With more than 40 years of experience practicing law, I am dedicated to providing comprehensive representation. I have extensive experience advising clients on the different types of entities, including:
Limited liability companies (LLCs)
As a dedicated Georgia small business lawyer, I can help you negotiate and write effective contracts to protect your business. Additionally, I work with my clients on necessary documents for corporate governance, bylaws, shareholder agreements and buy-sell agreements.
Succession Planning
An often neglected aspect of running a family business is succession planning. Proper planning should take place while the business founder is still operating the business. There are different ways to approach succession. You can buy out a founder while he or she is still in control, buy out the founder with the purchase financed over time, or you can restructure the business so the founder has preferred stock.
At the office of Patrick J. Gibbs, P.C., Attorney at Law, I have helped business owners prepare succession plans. My experience includes utilizing redemption plans and buy-sell agreements to help preserve the integrity of the business. I understand how ignoring the issue can have catastrophic effects on family harmony. I work closely with clients to help them achieve their goals. I am committed to not only protecting your rights, but also your business interests.Contact Attorney Patrick J. Gibbs
Contact my office by e-mail or call me at 770-645-4990 to arrange a meeting with an experienced Roswell attorney. Flexible office hours are available to meet your needs. I am located in East Cobb County, Roswell, Georgia.